torsdag 28 januari 2010


Everyone who has been in Tropical contidents or have read about the most Poisonous animals on Earth have heard about Stonefish the most poisonous fish. you see that the fish look very unuseual a fish. thats why its called stonefish its camoflage did that the fish looks like a stone and thats why the moajority of accidents is that people didnt see the fish and on its back where the spines are.the poison is very painful, a wasp sting is nothing compared to the stings of the stone fish

onsdag 27 januari 2010

Obama promise more jobs

The president of the USA, Barack Obama, has had his first speak after he was elected to president. Obama promised that the government should provide much more jobs over the year 2010 and then that there will be 1 and half miljon more jobs in the end of the year, Obama also concluded that they should do all this right away for the american people. I hope that he really mean it because otherwise his popularity will decrease :P.

tisdag 26 januari 2010

Vad är en Legend?

Legend är samma sak som en sägen. Det är en sagolikandande berättelse om en plats eller en person, som gör anspråk på att vara sann. Oftast är platsen eller personen berömda. Man överdriver ofta historiska händelser eller personers handlingar - tex Beowulf. Även personer som Elvis har legender kring sig (som att Elvis fortfarande lever). Det finns också moderna legender eller sägner som kallas för "Urban Legends". Pizzan i råttan och Svarta Madam är exempel på moderna sägner.