onsdag 16 februari 2011

The Tragedy Of Hamlet-Prince of Denmark

Hamlets loyalty seems to be good on the outside towards the new king. But inside he is really disgusted of what his mother and uncles marriage has done to him. They became the new royal pair and Hamlet sees that as a shame mark on his father, the late king. After his encounter with the ghost of his father the ghost convinced Hamlet to avenge his father. He began to see the new king as a treacherous villain. Hamlets true loyalty lays to the late king who is demanding vengeance on this brother which is the plot of the story.

Hamlet has a great tongue because he tricks people by his own words. He makes everyone to believe that he’s mad. Hamlets also get his uncle to reveal himself of murdering his father by setting up a play about a king, his queen and his younger brother who’s jealous at him. The brother murders the king by poisoning him of the drink he offered him. With the kings demise the brother becomes the new king and the former queen remarries with him to have her power unchanged.

Hamlets quest for his vengeance made him really selfish so he doesn’t even care how the others around him feel. His obsession on the vision of late king’s spirit is so strong that he sometimes really goes mad. All the current tragic events that happen around Hamlet mostly because of his negative behaviour and selfishness which makes people depressed and angry at him. ´´The big flaw is that Hamlet has a very indecisive side of his personality so the problem is that he is filled with all this thoughts and doubts and is having a hard time trying to carry out the revenge.´´ (from discussion with Niclas 20110216)

Yeah every inch of his life is so tragic that you can’t feel a little bit of sympathy for him. He seems to be a slave by his uncle’s actions and that almost no one cares how he feels. He doesn’t seem to have many friends and his marriage that is about to happen was a mess. Even if his fiancé Ophelia loves him it seems more like a business affair because the fathers of the two don’t support them seriously. Another thing is that they never do anything to increase their fondness to each other. Also every time when you see Hamlet and Ophelia together there’s always someone there talking about the marriage and what they going to do. Ophelia’s father Polonius is a prime example. You see him always near his daughter, advice her, talking to the king about the pair and even spying when Hamlet and Ophelia get to know each other. This is not what I call a romantic relationship, it´s only a manipulation.

By William Uudelepp

måndag 14 februari 2011


Lev Trotskij var en aktiv marxistisk teoretiker.

När februarirevolutionen bröt ut blev han en av dem ledande personerna i bolsjevikerna. Den enda som var i högre rang än honom var Lenin.

Efter segern i inbördeskriget segrade bolsjevikerna över dem vita parterna fick Trotskij posten som krigskommisarie. Trotskij var grundanden av röda armen

Efter Lenins död utbröt det en kraftmätning mellan Trotskij och Josef Stalin som slutade med Stalin som segraren medan Trotskij tvingades till exil.

Trotskij emigrerade från olika länder i rädslan om att bli mördad av Stalins agenter. Slutligen kom han till Mexico. Trotskij råkade ut för mordförsök men överlevde.

Efter mordförsöket höjdes Trotskijs säkerhet. Men en av hans vänner Ramón Mercader var en hemlig sovjetisk agent och visiterades aldrig av vakterna. 1940 tog han med sig en ishalka in till Trotskij och försökte lönnmörda honom. Men Mercader lyckades bara skada honom allvarligt och Trotskijs livvakter störtande in i rummet för att likvidera Mercader. Trotskij skonade dock Mercaders liv. Trotskij dog dagen därpå och begravdes i Coyoacán.

tisdag 8 februari 2011

Instuderings frågor

1, Vilka är primärkommuner och sekundärkommuner?

2, Vad gör en fullmäktige?

3, Vad gör kommunstyrelsen?

4, Hur fixar kommunen en affärsverksamhet?

5, Vad innebär det när kommuner och landsting får statsbidrag?

6, Vad har staten för roll när det gäller kommunen?

7, Hur kan flera kommuner eller landsting samarbeta?

8, Vad har kommunens och landstinget för gemensam uppgift?

9, Vad har Kommunerna och landstinget inte rätt till att göra?

10, Varför är kommunens affärsverksamhet omdiskuterad?